Effectivity of Multimedia Use in Enhancing Junior High School Students' Interest in Mathematics Learning
effect, multimedia, mathematic learning outcomeAbstract
In recent years, the integration of multimedia in education has become increasingly important, particularly for enhancing students' learning experiences in subjects perceived as challenging, such as mathematics. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of multimedia tools in increasing the interest and understanding of mathematics among seventh-grade students at SMP Hidayah, Kab Bekasi. A pretest-posttest experimental design was employed with a sample of 31 students over three months, from October to December 2023. Interactive multimedia resources, including videos and animations, were implemented during lessons on equations and inequalities. Statistical analysis of pretest and posttest scores indicated a significant improvement, with a 78% increase in posttest results, demonstrating the positive impact of multimedia on students' understanding and engagement. Additionally, qualitative feedback revealed enhanced student enjoyment and motivation when learning through multimedia. It is recommended that educators receive proper training to effectively integrate multimedia into their teaching practices to maximize its benefits in mathematics education. This study provides valuable insights into innovative teaching strategies that can foster a more engaging and effective learning environment for students.
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