The Influence of Lifestyle, Financial Literacy and Income on the Consumptive Behavior of Students


  • Ray Pangestu Universitas Indraprasta Pgri Jakarta
  • Tia Mayasari Universitas Indraprasta Pgri Jakarta
  • Afifah Dhia Anggraeni Universitas Indraprasta Pgri Jakarta


Lifestyle, Financial Literacy, Income, Consumptive behaviour


In general, if a person's needs have been met, other needs will arise. Expenditures for food, clothing and other needs are included in consumption. Consumption activities are related to consumer behavior where this behavior is the behavior carried out by consumers in deciding to consume. Therefore, this research aims to determine the influence of lifestyle, financial literacy and income which can influence the consumer behavior of students majoring in Economic Education, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Indraprasta University PGRI. This research uses quantitative research, and the population in this research is all students majoring in Economic Education. The sampling method in this research is probability sampling. The sampling technique in this research used Proportionate stratified random sampling, namely even semester students who were active until 2024. So the number of samples taken was proportional. The sample in this research consisted of 40 students. The research results show (1) lifestyle has a positive effect on consumer behavior; (2) financial literacy has a negative effect on consumer behavior by; (3) income has a positive effect on consumer behavior; (4) lifestyle, financial literacy and income simultaneously influence consumer behavior. The author's advice to readers is to stay away from consumptive behavior by diligently increasing your understanding of financial literacy so that you can express your lifestyle with the income that we have.


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How to Cite

Ray Pangestu, Tia Mayasari, & Afifah Dhia Anggraeni. (2024). The Influence of Lifestyle, Financial Literacy and Income on the Consumptive Behavior of Students. Multidisciplary Journal of Systemic and Innovative Research, 1(2), 111–117. Retrieved from


