
  • Deny Heryadi Universitas Indraprasta Pgri Jakarta


top up, contract, cooperative, sharia


One type of business in sharia cooperatives is the distribution of funds or often referred to as financing.  Sometimes members apply for financing with the desire to pay off the remaining old debt for the reason of not having too much debt or simply reducing the installment burden. This desire is not wrong and is legitimate, aka permitted in the Shari'ah. However, using the contract is not as easy as members imagine. There are many things that need to be studied and analyzed so that the transaction is truly in accordance with sharia provisions. This research aims, firstly, to describe in general terms the contracts that can be used to complete top up transactions in a sharia cooperative. Second, the presentation of this paper is sharing information with other cooperatives when they experience the same case. In this case, it provides an overview and knowledge of the steps that must be taken if you want to top up financing. The research method used in preparing this paper is based on the analytical descriptive research type. Meanwhile, the data collection techniques that the author uses are field observation, interviews and documentation techniques. Also supported by secondary data both from the company directly and from the literature. The research discusses how sharia cooperatives implement or use appropriate contracts for transactions to pay off members' old debts without causing errors that violate the sharia. The conclusion of this research is that top up transactions must be careful in determining the contract so as not to deviate from the provisions Sharia.


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How to Cite

Deny Heryadi. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BA’I MUSAWWAMAH AND IMBT AKAD FOR TOP UP TRANSACTIONS. Multidisciplary Journal of Systemic and Innovative Research, 1(3), 133–138. Retrieved from