Analysis of Social Values in the Novel Surat Kecil Untuk Dewa Karya Agnes Davonar and its use in learning Indonesian
sosil value, novel, theory of zubaidiAbstract
Literary works are works of art created using language, such as prose, poetry, novels or drama, with the aim of expressing certain
ideas, emotions, experiences or views. Literary works not only function as mere entertainment, but also often have deep aesthetic, philosophical or social critical value. Literary works also reflect the culture and era in which they were created, and can influence readers' thoughts and feelings. In fact, this is a literary work that conveys reality and truth, namely the novel Small Letters for God by Agnes Davonar. In this novel, it tells the story of the struggle of a teenager who suffers from stage 3 rhabdomiosarcoma cancer and he has to undergo chemotherapy. Even though he knew that his illness was very serious, he still had extraordinary enthusiasm to live his life to be healthy again. In this regard, the writer was interested in writing
an article entitled Analysis of the Social Values of the Novel Surat Kecil untuk God by Agnes Davonar. The aim of writing this article
is to explain social values that can be applied in the school or community environment and to imply social values for learning
Indonesian. The social values that will be analyzed in this novel are courage, empathy and forgiveness, the importance of family, loyalty and friendship, respect for life and religiosity and spirituality. This research uses qualitative methods in the form of data in the form of words, phrases, sentences and dialogues used. The source for this research was taken from the novel Small Letters for God published by Inandra Publisher which was printed in 2012.
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